I think I'll start with my first day here, in Auckland. I met wayyy too many people, most notibaly THE Jehovah's Witness (self-proclaimed), who has every single foreign intelligence agency trying to get him out of the country, but due to the massive polic corruption and gang presence in Auckland, he can't get out. Hmm. Then there was Paul, the enlightened (self-proclaimed) Japanese Zen Buddhist whom I talked with for three hours, and who also tried to walk me to his apartment and have me spend the night with him. Then there's Thang. Oh, Thang. Thang was my host for the first night, as I was CouchSurfing. Short Asian guy, really nice, flambouyant enough for me to make the crisp obversation of us having different sexual orientations. Him picking me up? Free. Dinner with two gay friends? Free. Taking hospitality to the NEXT level while jet-lagged American is passed out on your couch in the middle of the night? Priceless. I'm kidding....about the priceless part, as I was socially extinct the next day, not really talking to anyone as a result from my midnight-visit-induced-coma. I was fine, but it was definetaly an interesting experience. I left Thang (despite pleads of "give me one more chance" and the explanation of "I thought that you'd like that"), and stayed in a hostel the next night. Owesome. Met peeps from around the globe...and none other than....a guy from Charlottesville, VA. Miniscule world. Had a blast, for some reason we got free drinks and pizza all night. Good times on the reg. During the day, I walked around with my 3000 pound backpack, trying to find free stuff, and sitting in parks. The most beautiful parks I've ever been in, they really take pride in their parks. I then met up with Steve Jones, my wwoofing host...